Tucker Family Genealogy
I have created this page to describe my research into my family's past. I was never that interested in genealogy until I casually began searching for information on a specific branch of my family tree that yielded some direct connections to prominent people and events from the early 1800s in America up through the American Civil War. I plan to write and illustrate a biographical accounting of their lives in the not too distant future. A substantial amount of research awaits me. It is also fascinating to discover what my ancestors looked like at certain points in their lives and what they did for a living, etc. I also just love to look at photographs of bygone eras.
My great grandparents, Alfred B. Montgomery
and Adelaide Hartmann, tin type photo taken, ca. 1890s,
in Brooklyn, NY.
Their daughter, Edna Lois Montgomery, would go on to marry
my grandfather, Dr. Frank Landale Tucker, Jr.
His parents are pictured below.
My paternal great grandparents, Ella Rebecca Ketchum and
Dr. Frank Landale Tucker Sr. Photo taken in 1938 while
visiting at 470 9th Street, Brooklyn, NY.
Edna Lois Montgomery
(my paternal grandmother)
Dr. Frank Landale Tucker, Jr.
(my paternal grandfather)
Who Is She?

I received this old tin type image of a young girl included with other photos that once belonged to my late Aunt 'Del that she kept for the family. there was no identification included on or with this image. It looks to be from the late 1870s or 1880s. The girl looks to be about the age of 10 or 11 years old. My great grandmother, Ella Rebecca Ketchum (see earlier photo above), was born in 1871. My best guess is that it is she. I have a few other images of her as a child that when compared to this one, make me feel that they are of the same young girl.
Charles Leavenworth Ketchum
Sometimes some interesting photographs survive for generations. This is my 2x great grandfather, Charles Leavenworth Ketchum (1841-1918). He is the first son born to William Scott Ketchum. He was born in Tallahassee, Florida during his father's service in the Second Seminole War in Florida. His mother, Anne Pinkerton McMullin, died in Tallahassee two months after his birth. William Scott Ketchum would later marry Anne's sister, Rebecca Ord McMullin, and who bore WSK's second son, James Daniel Ketchum, while WSK was stationed at Fort Laramie in Wyoming in 1851.
The name "Leavenworth" is to honor the memory of CLK's grandfather's commander, General Henry Leavenworth. CLK's grandfather, Daniel Ketchum, served with Leavenworth during the War of 1812 and on Long's Expedition and frontier duty until his death at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri in 1828. The name Leavenworth still lives on as my father's middle name today.
Below are photographs depicting Charles Leavenworth Ketchum at various stages of his life in order from oldest to youngest.
Rebecca Ord McMullin and young Charles L. Ketchum in daguerreotype taken in 1849 in Nashville, Tennessee while WSK was stationed there at US Army headquarters just after the Mexican American War.
Family Photo Discovery
Going through a box of loose unmarked black and white photographs, I found the photo below
capturing my attention. It was quite small as it only measured about an inch and a half by three inches. The photo captures three generations and three different branches of the family tree. I had seen it before in the box, but it didn't merit any further examination then. I'm glad that I scanned it and blew up the image on my computer screen to reveal a very elderly Charles Leavenworth Ketchum in the background with his unmistakable lamb chop sideburns. Seen kneeling is my great grandfather, Frank Landale Tucker, Sr, seen kneeling in his Sunday best as he helps two young girls feed chickens on his farm. I have identified the girl nearest him as his daughter Mildred. The othe girl I believe to be his niece, Blanche Eleanor Tucker, daughter of Fred and Mabel Tucker of Templeton Massachusetts. And the watchful large figure of a woman in the white blouse and skirt is Ella Rebecca (Ketchum) Tucker, wife of Frank Landale Tucker, Sr and daughter of Charles Leavenworth Ketchum. The photo was taken on the family farm located in New Paltz, New York approximately in the year 1910. My guess is that this was taken after a wedding or some other family event. The trees look too full to be Easter time. I may be wrong, though.